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  • Writer's pictureFarhan Qazi

Black lives matter

I have often felt that speaking out to support causes like black lives matter might imply that I feel entitled to the same struggle. So in the past, I have always avoided doing what felt like imposing my opinion on where I didn’t belong, but as a minority having faced discrimination although not the same magnitude, I now realize that systemic racism affects us all and our society as a whole. Systemic racism impacts those affected and those discriminating, but it also shapes our societal values, filters our perceptions of people of colour and the core of how our society functions. It is therefore not just a topic for certain minorities or even minorities only, it is an issue that we all need to raise our voices for.

Here are how teens are taking this:

"The BLM was created to show society we deserve to be seen as one, we went through slavery then an act was signed for all of this segregation to end. We are in 2020 and white people still don’t see us as their brothers and sisters, we all bleed red blood but yet again they think that they are superior. You aren’t born a racist person you are taught it. Society loves black athletes, musicians, actors, our culture, our foods, basically everything about us but not us as humans. BLM was created after Trayvon Martin was shot and killed by a neighbourhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman, as a community watch volunteer I don’t think that’s your job to be going around shooting innocent teens. Initially, Zimmerman was not charged by the police until later on, he was second-degree murder and manslaughter. Whenever a police officer comes across a black male their apparently were a thug or a criminal, police murder isn’t getting worst it’s getting filmed. Black parents are now watching their kids being buried 6th under than the kids burying their parents. Police are killing the future generation do doctors, entrepreneurs, lawyers, the future of this country but they don’t get to live up to that. Us teenagers are the leader of tomorrow, we shouldn’t be afraid to voice our opinions and stand up for what’s right. Racism is WRONG and murder is WRONG if you know what’s right for society and the world we should stand up."

- Shanya Murape, 16

"Personally, I am shaken by what has been happening to the Black community for the longest time. The injustice they’ve had to deal with since the beginning of time and how much they’ve had to fight, and still fight, for basic human rights is so heartbreaking to see. My heart is heavy, but I forever stand with the Black community. This needs to stop. Please, sign petitions if you can, check-in on your loved ones personally affected by all the tragedies that have been happening, donate if you can, and please be strong and never give up for the rights of Black lives. Enough is enough."

- Anonymous, 17

"Social media has given us a huge opportunity to easily send a message out and have our voices heard but during these times people are staying quiet which is terrible. People who are staying silent are apart of the problem!! We need to stand up for what is right, people of colour and especially black people have been facing racism and oppression for hundreds of years! When is this going to stop? With such a big platform to voice our opinions on what’s right, why not use it? All lives can’t matter until black lives do! We need change and we need it now."

- Sapphire Alam, 16

I think that it is crazy that this is the norm for the black community and that society and hypocrites are putting innocent lives in danger because of the colour of their skin. I’m not black but I am a person of colour and although I don’t experience what they experience, I do feel the pain and the troubles that they go through. I wish that the justice system and all the laws that state equality rights and freedoms would be rightfully used for those who are being punished for simply the colour of their skin and ethnic background because right now those laws and the justice system is what is failing those who need the help the most and it’s letting racist, cruel and horrific people pass through with privilege.

- Miya Isabella, 15

"Although I’m not a fan of violence, I believe that in order for voices to be heard, it’s needed. for the past 30 years, it’s been peaceful protest after peaceful conversation after peaceful discussions, and nothing has happened. the riots are proof that in order to be heard, something big has to happen... and it sucks. I’m honestly tired of having to write another rip hashtag every month for another black victim due to extreme racism, white supremacy, police brutality etc - it happens almost every month, and what hurts the most is there are so many more that didn’t have a video to prove the wrongdoings of the attacker. silence doesn’t help anybody... when you’re silent it sounds as though you are on the side against the BLM movement, with racism. so if you have a voice I think you should use it - sign petitions, repost and share important and informative posts and articles by others, and have those conversations with those around you because it’s been long overdue for a change."

- Cammy Gilbert, 15

"It’s such a pressing issue, and I’m so glad that the media is actually finally paying attention to the wrongs within our communities. We protest against the treatment of black people today—the racism, the manipulation, the shame that racists have cast on them for the mere fact that they are different. Most people are upset with the form of protesting—the riots and the looting but some of them simply will not understand that it’s crucial that we choose to do this. These riots and these lootings lead to having an officer arrested in RECORD time for their act of racist police brutality. There are people worried about those who are “looting for their own good” but what they also don’t understand is that those people still contribute to the justifiable act of shining light on this matter. What’s insane is that there have been so so so SO many riots and its all been for things like hockey games, for other “fun” issues and sports and whatnot—but no one cared about those? No one thought, “this is getting out of hand.”

Instead, they thought “oh haha. no big deal at all!! just for fun!”. But the second there’s a riot for black people—or for fighting for the rights of POC, they suddenly get defensive and call it “too chaotic” or “unjust”??? There’s a lot of people saying that George Floyd wouldn’t want riots in his name. They may be right, but no one will be able to know what he would want because he’s gone. Maybe he didn’t want riots in his name. But there are still countless black men and women who want to be fought for. If George didn’t want this, we will not forget him, but do it in Miss Breonna’s name. In Mr. Ahmaud’s name. In the name of the hundreds of black men, black women and black children who have been harmed, injured, killed, oppressed, and silenced and so much more. We have to continue to fight. Again, if they won’t listen to us as we kneel and remain unarmed, we will riot. We will fight back. We will do what it takes to bring justice and what it takes to become recognized as equals."

- Adina Khan, 15

"From a personal perspective, being black myself. This type of police brutality has been going on a while, and it’s only coming to light now because of the viral impact when we all come together to stand up against it. The brutality we face day to day is the result of the poor ideology the white man has of always needing to feel a sense of superiority. This dates way back to when they enslaved the black man. A criminal act made by a generation that no longer exists. But the real topic is “are African-America’s really free”. And the answer is no. THE BLACK MAN IS MODERN DAY ENSLAVED BY THE SYSTEM. Let’s keep in mind that the system is not broken, the system WAS indeed build this way. As a non-black person, you have a duty to become our allies and simply stand up for justice. You have a duty to see us as humans and not weapons because of the colour of our skin. We have to remember “you do not acquire hate, you are taught hate”."

- Crystal Guy, 15

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